How to Upkeep the Magnificence of Granite Counter Tops?
Every beautiful thing needs love, care and pampering to keep blooming. This applies to all-natural as well as human-made things.
In the world of stones, Granite suppliers consider it to be one of the most beautiful, elegant, strong, durable as well as easy to maintain products. When it comes to home surfaces, there are few materials that can rival the beauty of Granite and its distinctive shine. After it is initially polished at a fabrication facility, Granite can produce a natural lustre. This is majorly because of the best quality quartz content present in the stone.
But when we talk about items like Granite kitchen countertops, constant cutting, chopping, grinding, and cleaning with strong chemicals can result in a dull finish after years. Today this blog is here to tell you how to keep up the aesthetics of your dear Granite.
- Cleaners
Just like you can’t use pool water to drink, in the same manner, there are specific cleaners used to shine different stones. You can get mild cleaners made specifically to clean and wipe your dear granite countertops. You can purchase cleansers made just for Granite, and many major manufacturers sell ones made specifically for natural stone. While they are great for a deeper cleaning, you don’t have to use them every time. You can simply clean up spills or do general cleaning using a wet cloth. To make sure that the chemical does not prove itself harmful over years, the finishing touch should be a wipe with cold water.
- Sealing
Sealing keeps stains and bacteria on the surface of the stone, where they are easier to wipe away, instead of allowing them to nestle into the microscopic pores. This prevents staining by giving you time to notice a spill and wipe it up.
Let’s say you have a child at home, and he or she drops salsa sauce on the counter. You have to rush to work and hence don’t wipe it instantly. An unsealed stone will be much more likely to stain, while a sealed one will probably wipe right up. Sealing works just like the screen guard of your cell phone or the coat on your car. Whatever happens, the seal will be the first to experience the ill effects and harm will not be witnessed by your counter. Sealer sits on the surface and creates a thin invisible barrier between the surface of the counter and whatever you place on it.
- Daily Wiping
While Granite is moisture-resistant, it is also porous, which is why you need to use sealants to block liquids from seeping in. When appropriately sealed, a countertop will cause liquids to bead on the surface.
Never fear, because watermarks will eventually evaporate. However, you’ll want to make sure you keep oily or staining liquids from making their mark by sealing regularly. It’s a relatively straightforward process and will ensure that your granite countertop lasts a lifetime. Every alternate day make sure to clean the counter with a mild soap solution and water. Just like our body needs daily washing and can not merely depend on occasional spaces and facials, make sure you pamper the Granite on a daily basis as well.
What not to use on Granite Counter Tops?
You cannot use vinegar to clean granite countertops. Even though it’s a mild all-natural cleanser, it’s too acidic to use on natural stone. You should not use any bathroom or glass cleaner which you generally utilize at your house. Chemicals are not one size fits all, Granite could get eroded from its glitter if the chemical does not go hand-in-hand with its nature.
Lastly, if you think this blog has got nothing to do with you because your kitchen does not include Granite, you’re seriously sacrificing the durability and aesthetics of your space. Don’t waste anymore time and get Granite from Talesara Marble. Dive into the ocean where beautiful motifs and bursts of colours create a harmonious balance over a sturdy granite slab. Explore the elite range of Imported Granite for interior inspiration and to transform your home into ‘dream home’.